Terms of Service

These terms of use (hereinafter the “Conditions”) detail your rights and obligations relating to the use of the soinsamika.com website (hereinafter the “Site”).

By accessing or using the features of the site, as well as by expressing your consent in another form, you agree to be bound by the provisions of the Conditions and the documents to which the site refers. These conditions are binding on you both during and after your use of the site.

You are responsible for carefully reading these conditions and agreeing to them before using the site.

If you do not agree to all of the conditions, you must stop using the site immediately.

We also invite you to contact us for any questions or comments relating to the Conditions at admin@soinsamika.com

These Terms include your acceptance of the terms set out in our Privacy Policy, which can be accessed here or at the bottom of most pages of our site including our home page (soinsamika.com). This Policy is also governed by these terms in the event that a dispute or inconsistency relating to said policy arises.

These conditions may be modified or replaced by Additional Conditions relating to the content and to the services offered by the Site (hereinafter the “additional conditions”). If applicable, the additional conditions will be published on the relevant pages of the site so that you can accept them in a timely manner. These additional conditions will replace any previous terms with which they would conflict or be incompatible.

The Site and its Services do not offer a secure means of communication and any information you provide will not be considered confidential. For this reason, you should not send us, or communicate between users, patentable ideas or patent applications, advertising or marketing suggestions, prototypes or any other written or verbal information which you consider confidential or commercially sensitive. or commercial securities (collectively hereinafter “Unsolicited Communications”). While we appreciate your feedback, you agree not to send us such Unsolicited Communications. Any communication, including any unsolicited Communication, sent to us, communicated through our Services or posted on the Site is deemed to be our property. By sending us or posting on the Site a communication and / or information, as well as any other element, you agree, subject to our Privacy Policy, that we use this information in any way (including the reproduction, transmission, publication, distribution and display in any medium and anywhere in the world), free of charge. You also agree that we are not bound by any obligation of confidentiality, and cannot be held responsible for any use and / or disclosure of the Content of these communications.

Where the Site allows you to communicate with us and / or other Site Users, you may not use the Site to communicate hurtful or offensive content or material (e.g. violent, obscene, discriminatory, defamatory or otherwise contrary to good faith). While we reserve the right to moderate, monitor, edit, revise or remove any notices, comments, discussions, chats, posts, transmissions, forums and similar communications on the Site from time to time, we are under no obligation to do so. and we assume no liability arising out of any content posted on the Site, nor for any errors, omissions, infringements, defamatory, obscene or inaccurate statements contained in such communications.

By using and accessing the Site, you represent and warrant that any Content you provide to us is and will remain your own original work, that such Content has been legally provided to us, that you hold all necessary permissions to provide us with such Content and that you authorize us to disclose your name in connection with such Content. By providing us with this Content, you waive any moral rights to which you may claim and agree that any personal information you provide through your Content may be reused by us, subject to our Privacy Policy.

This Site is intended for your personal, non-commercial use. When you access or use this Site, you agree to:

  • not to use this Site for purposes unlawful under applicable law or under these Terms;
  • not to decompile, disassemble, adapt, translate, transmit, arrange, modify, copy, group, sell sublicence, export, merge, transfer, adapt, lend, rent, assign, share, outsource, host, publish, return the Site available on a third-party platform (such as by means of hyperlinks (“linking”), framing (“framing”) or indexing robots (“spidering”), refer to deep links, create content derivatives or exploit this Site or its Content in a manner contrary to these Conditions, to the laws in force, as well as to any other Additional Condition, and this, in any form or by any means whatsoever: physical, electronic or other;
  • not to defame, denigrate or make any comments of an obscene, derogatory or offensive nature or to use this Site or its Content likely to generate a dispute with us or any other third party, in particular a dispute which would engage our responsibility or that of ‘a third ;
  • not to remove or revise Content from the Site when such content does not originate from you;
  • not to send any form of unsolicited electronic message (“spam”), commercial or otherwise, or to solicit business opportunities with Users;
  • not to use the Site or its Content to distribute computer viruses, malware or any other malicious program or code;
  • not to attempt to probe, analyze or test the vulnerability of the Site or its network and not to attempt to violate the security or authentication system or network, as well as any other security measure of the Site;
  • not to access data not intended for you or to connect to a server or an account that you are not authorized to access.

The Site may contain hyperlinks, references or cross references to third-party sites other than the Site. All such hyperlinks, references or cross references are provided for your convenience only. We have no control over the content of third-party sites and we cannot assume any responsibility for any content, material or information they contain. The publication of hyperlinks, references or references, to a third-party site, does not constitute the approval of the content of the site, the products or services of these third parties.

Your use of a third-party site may be governed by terms specific to that third-party site.

Notification and takedown policy for illegal content

In the event of a complaint or objection on your part regarding the Content published on the Site, or if you believe that any elements of the Content infringe your copyright, you agree to notify us immediately and not to hold us responsible for any damage and any claim that may arise when your request is processed within ten (10) business days.

You agree that your use of the Site will be “as is” and “subject to availability”. As mentioned above, we make no representation and make no warranty with respect to the availability of the Site, including, without limitation, its completeness, accuracy and reliability.

In the event of a dispute with one or more Users, you agree to us (as well as our officers, directors, shareholders, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures, employees and licensors) free from all claims, demands and damages arising in any way or another of this dispute.

You agree to indemnify us (and our officers, directors, shareholders, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures, employees and licensors) for all claims and demands, including reasonable legal and extrajudicial fees incurred as a result of your breach of these Terms or in reason for any Content you submit, post, transmit or make available through the Services, your use of the Services, your connection to the Services, or your violation of the rights of others as well as your violation of the law.

You acknowledge that we are not responsible for unforeseeable events, such as events of force majeure, or any other event beyond our control.

Amika being a duly incorporated legal entity, its shareholders, directors, officers, employees and consultants cannot, in any way, be held liable for any damage arising in any way whatsoever from the access and use of our Site.

Unless otherwise specified, any exclusions and limitations of liability also apply to the Additional Terms, if any.

Amika may, at its sole discretion, modify, enrich or delete these Conditions, in whole or in part, for legal, technical or regulatory purposes, if it deems it necessary or following a modification of the Services provided, of the nature or presentation of the Site. Your continued access or use of the Site indicates that you agree to these changes.

Unless otherwise specified in these Terms, any notice from you to us must be sent in writing to our email address at admin@soinsamika.com

If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, the provisions relating to the above exclusions and limitations of liability, the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed to be superseded by a provision valid which will correspond to the intention of the original provision and the remaining provisions of the Terms will remain in effect.

You also may not assign your rights and obligations under this Agreement to any other party without obtaining our prior written consent.

The User expressly acknowledges that the Site will be deemed to be based in Montreal, in the province of Quebec in Canada. These Conditions are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the province of Quebec and Canada’s federal laws applicable to them and, unless there is a provision of public order provided for by law, any legal action brought under these Conditions. will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district of Montreal.

These Conditions (and any other provision mentioned above) constitute all of the rights and obligations that bind us to you in relation to access and use of the Site and they replace any previous or current communication and proposal, whether either electronic, oral, or written. A printed version of these Terms and any information provided in electronic format is admissible as evidence to the same extent and under the same conditions as other evidence.

The parties (the User and Amika) acknowledge that they have accepted that these Conditions and all related documents are written in French. The parties (the User and Amika) acknowledge they have required that these Terms and conditions and all related documents be prepared in French.